Monday, February 25, 2008

on a cold, cold bitch

“The North Korean regime is still the North Korean regime,” said Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state, in a briefing in Washington last week. “And so I don’t think we should get carried away with what listening to Dvorak is going to do in North Korea.” -Condolezza Rice

Friday, February 22, 2008

more learning

Unable to link directly, I will nevertheless advovate: all nearing entry into an academic setting should listen to Ann Velenchik, How to complete your degree in one semester (not), Wellesley College First Year Orientation, on itunesu.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I really, really, really want to believe in Barack Obama.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

the quest for knowledge

ItunesU is where it's @. It's free. There's even less stopping us now... on that, much respect to the Stanford Humanities department.

My favorite part of any great course or class I've ever taken is the applause for the proffesor at the end. I am beginning to wonder how this compares to my feelings towards the "mandatory" applause at the end of every (regardless of whether it's good or bad) concert.

What again, is a meritocracy really?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

on Pärt's "Cantus in memorian Benjamin Britten"

How much effort is needed to enable a performance? How much petroleum? How many hands need to be cut off for diamonds? How many diabetics put on vascularly damaging drugs?

Yet, how beautiful is Brahms?

Am still reading Karamazov, looking for redemption.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Yo, who are ya'll voting for? I like Obama then McCain. That being said, for obvious reasons, I really believed in Bill Richardson (still do), and hope he's involved in the mix once it's all the guns stop blazing...

What about ya'll?

btw-email me if you're wondering why I prefer a republican over the potentially first woman president (I would very much like a female president, but alas, perhaps not her...)

Know Demetry Martin? Check him out.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


What's new, what's new...well, I'm reading an interesting book on music by Edward Said. I've been thinking much about cultural imperialism lately. My girlfriend had read Said and ran into the book at B&N. I guess she felt I might find interest in his writing.

Brothers Karamazov is another little gem i'm into lately. I'm thinking of reading it and Also sprach Zarathustra every year, just to see what happens!

ah, placidities!

I am afraid of this blog becoming impersonal and inaccessible. Please let me know your thoughts.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


What is it about an exhilarating performance? What is it that makes you want to be that person? You have to understand that there is no one but you at that performance, thatt moment. The interpretation is for you by you. Enjoy it. They will too.

I think Idina Menzel in Wicked. Or Buddy Rich.
Or Judy Dench.