Wednesday, January 7, 2009

on art

Narratives change. (as I listen to Ramble On, Led Zeppelin) Mine has. Cynicism is still around and effective...

...but I can't do that.

Watching Obama on the news conference this morn, realized that I revered him as a role model. I generally take joy in embracing the ideas of others, yes, sometimes questioning my autonomy in the process, but the gains, oh, the gains.

Some points:

a) not everyone is able to not be bitter. Starving artists suffer. Aged politicians suffer. Loving parents suffer.
b) honest love, the kind that gives itself freely without fear of unrequitement is the best drug the blogger's ever tried.
c) emotion manifests in the hips
d) social norms are just that. Nothing else.

Books: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Blind Willow Sleeping Woman,
Music: Tell me.
Movies: The Band's Visit, Slumdog Millionaire, Milk
Food: Les Sans Culottes, Esperanto