Tuesday, January 20, 2009

LiveBlogging the inaugaration

A wise friend told me yesterday (I'm watching on FOX News, btw): "Fame is different than success. Fame involves working out an image. I don't want fame" This is the same person who said "para mandar se necessita saber obedecer"

Now on MSNBC. (we have Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman securing the fate of their network).

People are booing for Bush...no, change that, they're chanting "OBAMA",...and "NO MORE BUSH"-People, you should be respectful REGARDLESS.

(MSNBC, the new FOX NEWS)

More booing as the outgoing cabinet steps out. Soft clapping as well. The Marine band plays.


Wonkette's funnier

But then again, there's Aretha. What a beautiful hat.

We are now one step closer to having a society of equals. He's a bit nervous.

I want a Michelle too.